Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experiment uncertain, and judgment difficult.
HIPPOCRATESIt is changes that are chiefly responsible for diseases, especially the greatest changes, the violent alterations both in the seasons and in other things. (:)…regimen and temperature, and one period of life to another.
More Hippocrates Quotes
To really know is science; to merely believe you know is ignorance.
What medicines do not heal, the lance will; what the lance does not heal, fire will.
The function of protecting and developing health must rank even above that of restoring it when it is impaired.
Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.
I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.
Men think epilepsy divine, merely because they do not understand it. We will one day understand what causes it, and then cease to call it divine. And so it is with everything in the universe.
Physicians are many in title but very few in reality.
And if this were so in all cases, the principle would be established, that sometimes conditions can be treated by things opposite to those from which they arose, and sometimes by things like to those from which they arose.
Even when all is known, the care of a man is not yet complete, because eating alone will not keep a man well; he must also take exercise. For food and exercise, while possessing opposite qualities, yet work together to produce health.
Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases
The chief virtue that language can have is clarity.
Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness.
The art has three factors, the disease, the patient, the physician. The physician is the servant of the art. The patient must cooperate with the physician in combatting the disease.
Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity.
It is most necessary to know the nature of the spine. One or more vertebrae may or may not go out of place very much and if they do, they are likely to produce serious complications and even death, if not properly adjusted. Many diseases are related to the spine.