Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of light…And let it breathe.
HAFEZThe beauty of You delights me. The sight of You amazes me. For the Pearl does this… and the Ocean does that.
More Hafez Quotes
You have actually waltzed with tremendous style, my sweet, O my sweet, crushed angel.
Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.
When no one is looking, I swallow deserts and clouds and chew on mountains knowing they are sweet bones! When no one is looking and I want to kiss God, I just lift my own hand to my mouth.
The only friends who are free from cares are the goblet of wine and a book. Give me wine…that I may for a time forget the cares of the world.
Laugh because that is the purest sound.
Think of suffering as being washed.
I Have Learned so much from God That I can no longer call myself A Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, A Buddhist, a Jew.
Time is a factory where everyone slaves away earning enough love to break their own chains.
Plant a Seed so your Heart will Grow.
The tide of my love Has risen so high let me flood over You.
If, like the prophet Noah, you have patience in the distress of the flood, Calamity turns aside, and the desire of a thousand years comes forth.
This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.
The heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love.
Your separation from God is the hardest work you will ever do.
What is the root of all these words? One thing: Love. But a love so deep and sweet it needed to express itself with scents, sounds, colors that never before existed.