I should not make any promises right now, But I know if you Pray Somewhere in this world – Something good will happen.
HAFEZGod and I have built an immense fire together. We keep each other happy and warm.
More Hafez Quotes
Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.
God and I have built an immense fire together. We keep each other happy and warm.
We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light!
Grieve not because thou understand-not life’s mystery; behind the veil is concealed many a delight.
How Do I Listen to others? As if everyone were my Master Speaking to me His Cherished Last Words.
There is an ambush everywhere from the army of accidents; therefore the rider of life runs with loosened reins.
I wish I could show you the astonishing light of your own being.
Only heart to heart can speak the bliss of mystic knowers.
God disguised as myriad things, and playing a game of tag has kissed you and said, “You’re it. I mean you’re really it. Now it does not matter what you believe or feel. For something wonderful, something major-league wonderful, is someday going to happen.”
Laugh because that is the purest sound.
Carry your heart through this world like a life-giving sun
I am happy even before I have a reason.
Your love Should never be offered to the mouth of a Stranger, Only to someone Who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife Then weave them into a blanket To protect you.
You yourself are your own obstacle, rise above yourself.
Not loving is a letting go. Listen, The terrain around here Is Far too Dangerous For That.