He who hasn’t tasted bitter things hasn’t earned sweet things.
One Liner
He who hasn’t tasted bitter things hasn’t earned sweet things.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZThere is no way in which a simple substance could begin in the course of nature, since it cannot be formed by means of compounding.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZThe monad, of which we shall speak here, is nothing but a simple substance which enters into compounds; simple, that is to say, without parts.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZEvery substance is as a world apart, independent of everything else except God.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZThe present is big with the future, the future might be read in the past, the distant is expressed in the near.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZWe never have a full demonstration, although there is always an underlying reason for the truth, even if it is only perfectly understood by God, who alone penetrated the infinite series in one stroke of the mind.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZNature does not make leaps.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZNothing is more important than to see the sources of invention which are, in my opinion more interesting than the inventions themselves.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZIndeed in general I hold that there is nothing truer than happiness, and nothing happier and sweeter than truth.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZMusic is a hidden arithmetic exercise of the soul, which does not know that it is counting.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZTo love is to place happiness in the heart of another.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZThis is why the ultimate reason of things must lie in a necessary substance, in which the differentiation of the changes only exists eminently as in their source; and this is what we call God.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZAlthough the whole of this life were said to be nothing but a dream and the physical world nothing but a phantasm, I should call this dream or phantasm real enough, if, using reason well, we were never deceived by it.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZEither there are no corporeal substances, and bodies are merely phenomena which are true or consistent with each other, such as a rainbow or a perfectly coherent dream, or there is in all corporeal substances something analogous to the soul.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZTo love is to be delighted by the happiness of someone, or to experience pleasure upon the happiness of another. I define this as true love.
GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZI am convinced that the unwritten knowledge scattered among men of different callings surpasses in quantity and in importance anything we find in books, and that the greater part of our wealth has yet to be recorded.