A lot of the time, in pop music especially, there’s reverb. And the reason is that reverb makes vocals sound better 99% of the time. It makes the notes ring out.
FINNEASThe way that we tried to approach every piece of music is, if the song had a brain, it would be aware of its catalog.
More Finneas Quotes
You go to a truck stop and there are key chains with names on them, and there’s no Finneas. There’s no Billie. They’re little things, but as a kid, you just feel weirdly ostracized.
It’s important to recognize when a song remains important to you.
If you’re thinking about all the possibilities of your life, there are extreme negatives, which you hope don’t happen, and extreme positives, which you just aren’t willing to think about because you think you’ll jinx it.
When I started, I felt that there was this incredible amount of doubt of my ability as a producer.
Well, predominately, if I’m writing for another artist, I’m sitting there with them and we’re writing it together.
My dreams as a kid were so far below the Grammys, like, maybe selling out a show, or, like, seeing your album on a shelf in an Urban Outfitters… and the Grammys are so far above that. It’s very ridiculous.
I was on a TV show called ‘Glee.’ I mean, I was on the real tail end of that show; it was already way past its peak. But still, for me aged 17 landing something like that was a big deal.
It’s always important to be checking in with people you love.
Usually, I get bored of my stuff almost immediately.
The amount of times I’ve been told something by artists I’m working with, which I’m sure they haven’t told even their significant other or families, is shocking.
You know, that’s kind of always been our philosophy: not letting the place that we are get in the way of making great music.
I am just fascinated by music and I want to know how to identify all the things I love about it; to me music theory is like learning another language and then being able to explain how much you love something more clearly.
I think it’s really easy to be the altruistic hero of your own narrative and story.
I have nothing against reverb.
I don’t particularly like recording studios, they tend to be lifeless and without any natural light, so I wanted to record wherever we lived. We just don’t want to be bound to a studio to who we’d have to pay untold sums to.