I think if you’re not trying to change things a little bit, you’re not evolving.
FINNEASI really value just being able to go out and grab a coffee or going to a movie and not have anyone recognize me.
More Finneas Quotes
We wrote and recorded the ‘Bond’ song on a tour bus in Texas.
The amount of times I’ve been told something by artists I’m working with, which I’m sure they haven’t told even their significant other or families, is shocking.
Working on TV shows was fun, but I felt crazy pressured and stressed.
When I wrote ‘When the Party’s Over,’ it had a universal quality.
I have always loved Ben Folds, he’s like an idol of mine, a hero of mine.
I mainly try to foster long-term collaborative relationships.
I feel like you’re able to be your most creative in private environments, and not a studio where an A&R person is coming in, telling us a song isn’t a smash.
I usually don’t like to annoy people in asking to work with them.
Definitely for me and my sister, wherever we are the most comfortable is where the best music’s going to be made.
When we are making a song for Billie I want it to resonate and speak the truth with her and want it to be a piece of fabric she can wear.
What I really didn’t want to do is work with other people and have them go, ‘Oh, Finneas just does that sound for everybody.’ The Billie sound is only Billie – I’ll only do that for her.
There’s no other person I like working with as much as my sister.
For me, I’m going to try to make my favorite song over the most popular song.
All the albums that I grew up listening to were produced by one person.
I’m not a control freak in that like I boss everybody around, but like a control freak and like, I like knowing exactly what I get to do that day and having a say.