It was fun to talk too much as Jebediah Woodley, to keep running your mouth whether the other characters want to hear it or not. That’s part of what made this guy fun.
DOLPH LUNDGRENI like being the villian. I don’t know if it has to do with my personality. You get to have a lot more fun as a villian. You don’t have to stick to the rules. You can be a lot crazier. You can go off the rails.
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People like to lay their whole life, and all of their own secrets out in front of the world. They make money off of it, and find satisfaction that way. I personally don’t believe in that. I think it can be hurtful to yourself and those around you.
The acting style that has emerged from HD, because of the contrast and how sharp the picture is, it’s more neutrally played. The main character is very minamalistic. That’s what works in this digital age.
I like being the villian. I don’t know if it has to do with my personality. You get to have a lot more fun as a villian. You don’t have to stick to the rules. You can be a lot crazier. You can go off the rails.
My sensei was a British karate champion named Brian Fitkin. He was my mentor and because I had a hard relationship with my dad, he became a father figure to me.
If I need to bulk up for a role, I will do more weights. If I need to slim down for something, I will do more cardio. That’s usually how it goes.
I’ve actually always been into suits. But I never really wore them, I guess because I was too young and it didn’t feel right.
I train about four or five times a week. I guess I am addicted to it. I also do a lot of martial arts. More than I have done in awhile. I like to go back to martial arts because it makes me feel good.
When I started studying acting in New York, I didn’t plan to be an action hero. I just wanted to learn acting because I felt it was something I needed to try to do for myself, to express something, my inner pain, or something I couldn’t get out.
Unless you’re playing a real character based on a real person, if someone else has done it before, you’re probably better off not watching it as an actor. Otherwise you end up trying to copy someone else.
I think the energy I give off is quite non-confrontational. That’s something you learn from karate. Once you try to be a tough guy, you’ve got to pay up. You’ve got to prove yourself. And that’s exhausting.
At least once a week, I try to have one day where I have nothing planned so I can get up and just go back to bed and lay around and recharge my batteries.
One day you’ll understand the sheer awesomeness that is me.
First the movie, the actual playing of the role and trying to deliver what everybody wanted. Then, when the film came out, there was instant fame. I was just a kid from Sweden, I didn’t know what was going on.
It takes nine months for a baby to develop, it takes nine months to develop a character.
I prefer to channel my problems and inner demons through a character. Another persona. That protects me and my family. I can get my frustrations out that way.