Let your heart go out and abide in things. Let things return and abide in your heart.
DOGENYour body is like a dew-drop on the morning grass, your life is as brief as a flash of lightning. Momentary and vain, it is lost in a moment.
More Dogen Quotes
Students today should live fully every moment of time. This dew-like life fades away; time speeds swiftly. In this short life of ours, avoid involvement in superfluous things and just study the Way.
To be in harmony with the wholeness of things is not to have anxiety over imperfections.
Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.
Your body is like a dew-drop on the morning grass, your life is as brief as a flash of lightning. Momentary and vain, it is lost in a moment.
No matter how bad a state of mind you may get into, if you keep strong and hold out, eventually the floating clouds must vanish and the withering wind must cease.
People like what is not true and they don’t like what is true.
To escape from the world means that one’s mind is not concerned with the opinions of the world.
If you want to travel the Way of Buddhas and Zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing.
Prefer to be defeated in the presence of the wise than to excel among fools.
Truth is not far away. It is nearer than near. There is no need to attain it, since not one of your steps leads away from it.
Emptiness is bound to bloom, like hundreds of grasses blossoming.
What you think in your own mind to be good, or what people of the world think is good, is not necessarily good.
Do not travel to other dusty lands, forsaking your own sitting place; if you cannot find the truth where you are now, you will never find it.
Why abandon a seat in your own home to wander in vain through dusty regions of another land? If you make one false step, you miss what is right before your eyes.
If you want to see things just as they are, then you yourself must practice just as you are.