Learn the backward step that turns your light inward to illuminate your self. Body and mind of themselves will drop away, and your original face will be manifest.
DOGENRefraining from all evil, not clinging to birth and death, working in deep compassion for all sentient beings, respecting those over you and pitying those below you, without any detesting or desiring, worrying or lamentation – this is what is called Buddha. Do not search beyond it.
More Dogen Quotes
The true person is Not anyone in particular; But like the deep blue color Of the limitless sky, It is everyone, Everywhere in the world.
Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken. Take heed, do not squander your life.
To study Buddhism is to study ourselves. To study ourselves is to forget ourselves.
Practice and enlightenment are not two.
No matter how bad a state of mind you may get into, if you keep strong and hold out, eventually the floating clouds must vanish and the withering wind must cease.
To escape from the world means that one’s mind is not concerned with the opinions of the world.
A fool sees himself as another, but a wise man sees others as himself.
One must be deeply aware of the impermanence of the world.
The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Those who practice know whether realization is attained or not, just as those who drink water know whether it is hot or cold
What is reality? An icicle forming in fire.
Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.
Just as parents care for their children, you should bear in mind the whole universe.
There is no beginning to practice nor end to enlightenment; There is no beginning to enlightenment nor end to practice.
Yet you must not cling to the words of the old sages either; they, too, may not be right. Even if you believe them, you should be alert so that, in the event that something superior comes along, you may follow that.