Do not be amazed by the true dragon.
DOGENA fool sees himself as another, but a wise man sees others as himself.
More Dogen Quotes
Students, when you want to say something, think about it three times before you say it. Speak only if your words will benefit yourselves and others. Do not speak if it brings no benefit.
Practice and enlightenment are not two.
Look for Buddha outside your own mind, and Buddha becomes the devil.
Refraining from all evil, not clinging to birth and death, working in deep compassion for all sentient beings, respecting those over you and pitying those below you, without any detesting or desiring, worrying or lamentation – this is what is called Buddha. Do not search beyond it.
Meditation is not a way to enlightenment, Nor is it a method of achieving anything at all. It is peace itself. It is the actualization of wisdom, The ultimate truth of the oneness of all things.
Although its light is wide and great, the Moon is reflected in a puddle one inch wide. The whole Moon and the entire sky is reflected in one dew drop on the grass.
Truth is not far away. It is nearer than near. There is no need to attain it, since not one of your steps leads away from it.
Sitting is the gateway of truth to total liberation.
What you think in your own mind to be good, or what people of the world think is good, is not necessarily good.
Cease from practice based on intellectual understanding, pursuing words, and following after speech.
Let your heart go out and abide in things. Let things return and abide in your heart.
That the self advances and confirms the ten thousand things is called delusion; that the ten thousand things advance and confirm the self is called enlightenment.
To start from the self and try to understand all things is delusion. To let the self be awakened by all things is enlightenment.
One must be deeply aware of the impermanence of the world.
People like what is not true and they don’t like what is true.