Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment.
DOGENWhat you think in your own mind to be good, or what people of the world think is good, is not necessarily good.
More Dogen Quotes
In the stream, Rushing past To the dusty world, My fleeting form Casts no reflection.
A zen master’s life is one continuous mistake.
Just practice good, do good for others, without thinking of making yourself known so that you may gain reward. Really bring benefit to others, gaining nothing for yourself. This is the primary requisite for breaking free of attachments to the Self.
Coming, going, the waterbirds, don’t leave a trace, don’t follow a path.
Students, when you want to say something, think about it three times before you say it. Speak only if your words will benefit yourselves and others. Do not speak if it brings no benefit.
Do not be amazed by the true dragon.
You should study not only that you become a mother when your child is born, but also that you become a child.
To be in harmony with the wholeness of things is not to have anxiety over imperfections.
A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
The true person is Not anyone in particular; But like the deep blue color Of the limitless sky, It is everyone, Everywhere in the world.
No matter how bad a state of mind you may get into, if you keep strong and hold out, eventually the floating clouds must vanish and the withering wind must cease.
I asked, “What are words?” The tenzo said, “One, two, three, four, five.” I asked again, “What is practice?” “Nothing in the entire universe is hidden.”
Why abandon a seat in your own home to wander in vain through dusty regions of another land? If you make one false step, you miss what is right before your eyes.
Learn the backward step that turns your light inward to illuminate your self. Body and mind of themselves will drop away, and your original face will be manifest.
Practice and enlightenment are not two.