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  • Dennis Rodman Quote - This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is. Download This Image
  • Dennis Rodman Quote - This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.
  • Dennis Rodman Quote - This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.
  • Dennis Rodman Quote - This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.
  • Dennis Rodman Quote - This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.
  • Dennis Rodman Quote - This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.
  1. black
  2. grey
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. brown
  6. white

This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.