Almost everything worth doing in human life is very difficult in its early stages and the good we are aiming at is never available at first, to strengthen us when we seem to need it most.
Anand Thakur
Almost everything worth doing in human life is very difficult in its early stages and the good we are aiming at is never available at first, to strengthen us when we seem to need it most.
DALLAS WILLARDDiscipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if he were you.
DALLAS WILLARDJesus is actually looking for people he can trust with his power.
DALLAS WILLARDSpiritual formation for the Christian basically refers to the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself.
DALLAS WILLARDGrace is opposed to earning, but not to effort.
DALLAS WILLARDThe transformation of the social world is at its heart the transformation of personal relations. That’s the key to transforming society in the larger arena.
DALLAS WILLARDGod’s address is at the end of your rope.
DALLAS WILLARDFasting confirms our utter dependence upon God by finding in Him a source of sustenance beyond food.
DALLAS WILLARDThere is no avoiding the fact that we live at the mercy of our ideas This is never more true than with our ideas about God.
DALLAS WILLARDWe are invited to make a pilgrimage – into the heart and life of God.
DALLAS WILLARDWe know we can’t be spiritually transformed by just focusing on the will.
DALLAS WILLARDWe have churches full of people who profess all kinds of stuff that they don’t believe. They think that by professing it they’re doing something good. Really, they’re just deluding themselves.
DALLAS WILLARDDiscipline, strictly speaking, is activity carried on to prepare us indirectly for some activity other than itself. We do not practice the piano to practice the piano well, but to play it well.
DALLAS WILLARDWhat is thinking? It is the activity of searching out what must be true, or cannot be true, in the light of the given facts or assumptions.
DALLAS WILLARDThis life is not something that is imposed upon us; we receive it and work with it.
DALLAS WILLARDIn one way or another, it is a common mistake to think transformation is all in the will. And it isn’t! It’s in the mind – how we think, what occupies our minds, and so forth. It’s in our feelings. It’s in our body.