If we do not make formation in Christ the priority, then we’re just going to keep on producing Christians that are indistinguishable in their character from many non-Christians.
Anand Thakur
If we do not make formation in Christ the priority, then we’re just going to keep on producing Christians that are indistinguishable in their character from many non-Christians.
DALLAS WILLARDIt is the responsibility of every Christ-centred follower to carve out a satisfying life under the loving rule of God or else sin will start to look good.
DALLAS WILLARDGod may not guide us in an obvious way because he wants us to make decisions based on faith and character.
DALLAS WILLARDAt the center of care for the heart is the love of God. This must be the joyful aim of our life.
DALLAS WILLARDKnowing the ‘right answers’ does not mean we believe them. To believe them means to act as though they’re true.
DALLAS WILLARDYou really can’t justify anything else but giving your whole attention to spiritual formation in Christ.
DALLAS WILLARDThis life is not something that is imposed upon us; we receive it and work with it.
DALLAS WILLARDWhen the will is enslaved to a desire, it will in turn enslave the mind.
DALLAS WILLARDRelations between parents and children and siblings and mates. This is not external. We can’t separate them.
DALLAS WILLARDThe greatest challenge the church faces today is to be authentic disciples of Jesus.
DALLAS WILLARDThe most important thing in your life is not what you do; it’s who you become. That’s what you will take into eternity.
DALLAS WILLARDIf we allow everything access to our mind, we are simply asking to be kept in a state of mental turmoil or bondage. For nothing enters the mind without having an effect for good or evil.
DALLAS WILLARDA disciple is a person who has decided that the most important thing in their life is to learn how to do what Jesus said to do.
DALLAS WILLARDIn solitude we find psychic distance, the perspective from which we can see, in the light of eternity, the created things that trap, worry, and oppress us.
DALLAS WILLARDGrace is opposed to earning, but not to effort.
DALLAS WILLARDWe are built to live in the kingdom of God. It is our natural habitat.