Someone once said “The only thing that will be left after a nuclear holocaust is Cher and cockroaches.” I think that’s funny, because, you know, I am a survivor. If I am anything, that’s what I am.
CHERI think that the longer I look good, the better gay men feel.
More Cher Quotes
My mother was the most creative, fantastic person and would come up with great things for us to do. She’d buy art supplies and all of us would sit around painting. I was lucky.
There is only one value to having the look you have when you are young and no value to the look you have when you are older.
I’m insecure about everything, because I’m never going to look in the mirror and see this blond, blue-eyed girl. That is my idea of what I’d like to look like.
You’ve probably noticed already that I’m dressed like a grown-up… I apologize to the Academy, and I promise that I will never do it again.
My mother once said “If you don’t pay attention to age, then it won’t pay attention to you.” And she says it, and it sounds nice, but I don’t buy it.
Singing is like going to a party at someone else’s house. Acting is like having the party at your own house.
Life is about enjoying yourself and having a good time.
It’s my body and if I want to do it like Michael Jackson, I will. My nose bothered me for a long time. Now it’s smaller and I’m happy. If I wanna put my tits on my back, they’re mine!
If you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner.
Women, unlike most men, are able to accept mystery, accept whatever comes to them – even if it’s not logical.
Don’t buy into the idea that women aren’t strong enough to do anything they want on their own.
I never cared about money. I’m not destined to be a rich woman. I’m destined to be a woman who makes a lot of money and never has any. I’ve made millions and millions and millions of dollars and I just spend it.
Men aren’t necessities, they’re luxuries.
Honesty makes me feel powerful in a difficult world.
If it doesn’t matter in five years, it doesn’t matter.