Humble people are not weak. They only have seen pride’s corruption.
C.R.WOur darkest moments are linked to our brightest accomplishments.
More C.R.W Quotes
Be kind and gentle to those who are not gentle to themselves.
C.R.W -
There is no shame in wanting to heal. It is a chance to rebuild yourself, bigger and better than before.
C.R.W -
Let it go. Your anger will only hurt you.
C.R.W -
The true genuine you is still waiting to be uncovered.
C.R.W -
Their opinion has no power of you.
C.R.W -
Patient people prosper.
C.R.W -
Stop comparing your story to someone else’s.
C.R.W -
Take hold of this life, you only get one.
C.R.W -
Someone who is insecure is a child still learning to love themselves fully.
C.R.W -
I am so much more than another broken heart.
C.R.W -
Learning is the most powerful tool we will ever have.
C.R.W -
Forgive yourself. You were young and innocent. Unaware of the shadows.
C.R.W -
Too much energy is dedicated to worrying instead of applying.
C.R.W -
I worry for our future generations. There is too much hate and not enough love.
C.R.W -
I am okay with being a work in progress.