I didn’t really watch the show [Star Trek]. I still haven’t seen about 150 of them. So I didn’t really think of them too much in terms of episodes. I thought of them as kind of one long seven-year episode.
BRENT SPINERI didn’t really watch the show [Star Trek]. I still haven’t seen about 150 of them. So I didn’t really think of them too much in terms of episodes. I thought of them as kind of one long seven-year episode.
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I don’t know what her budget was or is, but she had sponsors for her show, and we don’t have a sponsor yet, so basically, the difference is, our moms make our costumes.
Having spent so much time in a fictional world, I prefer to read about the real world
I assumed, “Well, I must’ve sounded like Conan O’Brien, or a reasonable facsimile or something.” And there I am in the movie [South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut ]. I was very lucky.
I went to New York out of college, and in my day, we were told that was the way you became a good actor. You don’t go to Hollywood, you go straight to New York and work in the theater. So that’s what most of the people I knew did.
Of those, the only one that really stands out for me is Tales From The Darkside, for a couple of reasons, one in particular being who I got to work with on it, which was Eddie Bracken.
As it turns out, sometimes that bites you. In this case, I saw pictures of Earl [Mills], and…I actually met him. He was quite old at the time, but he had this sort of curly red hair, so we did that in the film. I got a perm and had red hair, and… It was a mess.
The only problem with that – and she was lovely – was that she was basically hired because [Gian Luigi Polidoro] thought she was [film producer] Ray Stark’s daughter. And he figured that if he ran out of money, her father would kick in some more.
Actually, I had a really nice part in that movie [Ladies And Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains]. I mean, I have, like, one second in the final-cut version, where I say “You’re fired” to Diane Lane. That’s about all you see of me.
We would literally grab a shot and run. But Rent Control… I think the total cost was $100,000, and to this director’s credit, I think it looks like $200,000.
The one on Fresh Hell is a little easier, because we make it up. It’s a strange kind of hybrid of the real me and… Well, obviously it’s me standing there, and it’s my voice and my face, but it’s also kind of filtered through Harry Hannigan’s take on the character, the one he’s writing.
There is no question that everybody who works in show business is lucky because of the number of people who wish they where working in show business.
That’s what kids were like then. So I really like the movie [Dude, Where’s My Car? ], I think it’s genuinely funny, and I wish I hadn’t been so arrogant about it. And, of course, I didn’t know it was going to be my best work, either.
Voice acting is about the easiest thing to do. You roll out of bed, throw your clothes on that you had on the night before, you go into the studio, and nobody cares, just as long as you can speak.
Timing is everything, as you know.
Like, she had a caterer, she had wardrobe people, she had two makeup artists… I mean, we have makeup and we have wardrobe, but Felicia [Day] was, like, on it. She had two cameras operating, sets, extras everywhere. It was unbelievable.