Any old woman can love God better than a doctor of theology can.
BONAVENTUREMen do not fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary.
More Bonaventure Quotes
Men do not fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary.
Every creature is a divine word because it proclaims God
Chastity without charity is a lamp without oil.
Not only will those from whom Mary turns her countenance not be saved, but there will be no hope of their salvation … No one can be saved without the protection of Mary.
Although you feel tepid, approach with confidence, for the greater your infirmity the more you stand in need of a physician.
In beautiful things St. Francis saw Beauty itself, and through His vestiges imprinted on creation he followed his Beloved everywhere, making from all things a ladder by which he could climb up and embrace Him who is utterly desirable.
It maketh God man, and man God; things temporal, eternal; mortal, immortal; it maketh an enemy a friend, a servant a son, vile things glorious, cold hearts fiery, and hard thing liquid.