And those families for generations have maintained themselves in positions of power. Latin America founded itself on everyone being equal, but in reality we aren’t.
BOCAFLOJARacism operates in a lot of ways, and so I live it every day.
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A lot of the exercise of embracing identity as a political affirmation is not just simply parked in the question of skin color or culture, but more it is a political affirmation with all these implications and more.
If I stop today at a protest and I read a speech, it is a speech that remains in that moment, and whoever captures it does, and whoever doesn’t, doesn’t, and just keeps walking. It is very sterile, and it can seem even inaccessible and boring for a community.
There are situations in which a smile, a laugh, a greeting are racist exercises.
A white leftist Mexican activist isn’t the same in the media as the son of a farmer in Guerrero, they aren’t worth the same.
European militants recognize Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the Mexican militants followed their example and legitimated his work because the Europeans said, “Hey, Mumia Abu-Jamal is relevant in the US.
Racism operates in a lot of ways, and so I live it every day.
I understand that there are moments they disassociate, but in the end they are things that go walking together practically all the time.
Like Syria, like other parts of the Middle East, including conscious Islamic-American rappers that are representing an international political agenda for the United States through cultures more affable for people of color in other parts of the world.
Power, as it is, has a whole apparatus operating that goes about cutting down, closing doors, so that protests, exercises, platforms, and organizations, such as the Zapatistas, can’t grow further in the barrio.
They don’t want to talk about race. The discussion for them is based on class struggle, rich against poor, but doesn’t offer the possibility of a dialogue about racial questions.
We have to remember that the experience of gangsta rap as such in its foundation is an anti-systemic experience primarily.
So, we know who are the people that have the majority of power, access and privileges in Mexico, and they are white Mexicans.
On the aesthetic level, decolonized music presents itself as a direct antagonist to the traditional values promoted by the culture industry.
This is a theme that makes uncomfortable a lot of people, and it obviously makes the Latin American Left uncomfortable.
We should remember what a rapper like Tupac Shakur was doing, to a certain degree, who came from an experience of politicization very close to being a “Panther Baby”.