People from the rock and roll world have felt for years that electronic music had no soul, but now electronic music can not only have soul but have all the shapes in the world.
BJORKThe English can be a very critical, unforgiving people, but criticism can be good. And this is a country that loves comedy.
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i’m back at my cliff still throwing things off i listen to the sounds they make on their way down i follow him with my eyes ’till they crash imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocks.
It seems that most the world is driven by the eye, right? They design cities to look great but they always sound horrible …
But I’m not interested in politics. I lose interest the microsecond it ceases to be emotional, when something becomes a political movement. What I’m interested in is emotions.
I am one of the most idiosyncratic people around.
You’re a coward if you don’t stand up. Not for you, but for women. Say something.
In 2008, I was more just thinking about using the touchscreen for writing the songs. From there I started thinking about how I visualised music.
I don’t really have an ego. I’m not that bothered.
It’s important at that age to set up something, and then maybe afterwards you can go study your violin for 500 hours a week. But at least in the beginning you know about the options.
I love being a very personal singer-songwriter, but I also like being a scientist or explorer.
I’m not that keen on fierce dictatorship. I think that sort of the point of working with somebody is them coming up with stuff and feeling free to do that.
I’m not as religious as some people about “the album.” To be honest, that was a product of a format. You had vinyl, and you could fit five songs on each side, and that’s 45 minutes.
Declare independence, don’t let them do that to you!
How could I be so immature to think you could replace the missing elements in me. How extremely lazy of me.
Being a musician is very easy. My house is full of musical instruments. There’s a lot of music, always.
I guess I’m quite used to not being understood rather than being understood.