As a singer-songwriter, what I do is write about how the human feels.
BJORKPeople ask me questions like, “Oh, you look so theatrical in your photographs. Is that what you’re like when you walk down the street?” It’s like, “Of course not.” It’s such a silly question – it’s like being theatrical is a crime.
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There’s something about the rhythm of walking, how, after about an hour and a half, the mind and body can’t help getting in sync.
Singing is like a celebration of oxygen.
If you were really good and practiced your violin for a few hours a day for ten years you might be invited to this VIP elite club.
I’m not that keen on fierce dictatorship. I think that sort of the point of working with somebody is them coming up with stuff and feeling free to do that.
In school, I guess I was a difficult, know-it-all type of student… I was always complaining that music education was too academic.
I have written most of my melodies walking and I feel it is definitely one of the most helpful ways of sewing all of the different things in your life together and seeing the whole picture.
There’s more to Life than this
I’m not going to talk like I know about politics, because I’m a total amateur, but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren’t normally interested in politics.
I just feel like making things solar-powered and wind-powered should be as easy as using an iPad.
I guess I’m quite used to not being understood rather than being understood.
I knew if certain people recommended something, it would be good. There’s always going to be those people. It just depends on what they’re called: curators or radio jockeys or bloggers.
When I was a teenager in Iceland people would throw rocks and shout abuse at me because they thought I was weird. I never got that in London no matter what I wore.
People are always asking me about eskimos, but there are no eskimos in Iceland.
Maybe it’s just a personal thing, but I get so much grounding from Iceland because I know it’s always going to be there.
What probably confuses people is they know a lot about me, but it quite pleases me that there’s more they don’t know.