I’m not going to talk like I know about politics, because I’m a total amateur, but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren’t normally interested in politics.
BJORKI am grateful… grapefruit.
More Bjork Quotes
I’ve always appreciated working with people I have chemistry with, who are friends, and where you feel that the work is growing while you are getting to know each other better.
I just feel like making things solar-powered and wind-powered should be as easy as using an iPad.
People ask me questions like, “Oh, you look so theatrical in your photographs. Is that what you’re like when you walk down the street?” It’s like, “Of course not.” It’s such a silly question – it’s like being theatrical is a crime.
There is this stereotype of Icelanders all believing in spirits, and I’ve played up to that a bit in interviews.
I think after Iceland’s independence in 1944, we were not very sure of ourselves and our confidence was really low. It took one generation to sort of get over that. I’m second generation.
Solar power, wind power, the way forward is to collaborate with nature – it’s the only way we are going to get to the other end of the 21st century.
I miss you, but I haven’t met you yet!
Maybe I’ll be a feminist in my old age.
People from the rock and roll world have felt for years that electronic music had no soul, but now electronic music can not only have soul but have all the shapes in the world.
All we had ever heard about record company people is that they were vampires and criminals…and they killed Elvis Presley.
There’s something about the rhythm of walking, how, after about an hour and a half, the mind and body can’t help getting in sync.
Icelandic people are really educated. But maybe we are at where the people in the States were 50 years ago, where they think that stuff that isn’t done with a hammer or physical power is not a job. It’s that backwards.
I am one of the most idiosyncratic people around.
I have to re-create the universe every morning when I wake up, and kill it in the evening.
Part of me is probably more conservative than people realise. I like my old string quartets, I don’t like music that’s trippy for trippy’s sake.