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  • Benjamin Stillingfleet Quote - Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
  • Benjamin Stillingfleet Quote - Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
  • Benjamin Stillingfleet Quote - Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
  • Benjamin Stillingfleet Quote - Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
  • Benjamin Stillingfleet Quote - Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
  • Benjamin Stillingfleet Quote - Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
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Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.