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  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics. Download This Image
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics.
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The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - A modern state is such a complex and interdependent fabric that it offers a target highly sensitive to a sudden and overwhelming blow from the air. Download This Image

    A modern state is such a complex and interdependent fabric that it offers a target highly sensitive to a sudden and overwhelming blow from the air.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The higher level of grand strategy [is] that of conducting war with a far-sighted regard to the state of the peace that will follow. Download This Image

    The higher level of grand strategy [is] that of conducting war with a far-sighted regard to the state of the peace that will follow.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The more closely [the German army] converged on [Stalingrad], the narrower became their scope for tactical manoeuvre as a lever in loosening resistance. By contrast, the narrowing of the frontage made it easier for the defender to switch his local reserves to any threatened point on the defensive arc. Download This Image

    The more closely [the German army] converged on [Stalingrad], the narrower became their scope for tactical manoeuvre as a lever in loosening resistance. By contrast, the narrowing of the frontage made it easier for the defender to switch his local reserves to any threatened point on the defensive arc.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - It is folly to imagine that the aggressive types, whether individuals or nations, can be bought off … since the payment of danegeld stimulates a demand for more danegeld. But they can be curbed. Their very belief in force makes them more susceptible to the deterrent effect of a formidable opposing force. Download This Image

    It is folly to imagine that the aggressive types, whether individuals or nations, can be bought off … since the payment of danegeld stimulates a demand for more danegeld. But they can be curbed. Their very belief in force makes them more susceptible to the deterrent effect of a formidable opposing force.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The implied threat of using nuclear weapons to curb guerrillas was as absurd as to talk of using a sledge hammer to ward off a swarm of mosquitoes.

    The implied threat of using nuclear weapons to curb guerrillas was as absurd as to talk of using a sledge hammer to ward off a swarm of mosquitoes.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - As has happened so often in history, victory had bred a complacency and fostered an orthodoxy which led to defeat in the next war. Download This Image

    As has happened so often in history, victory had bred a complacency and fostered an orthodoxy which led to defeat in the next war.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - If you want peace, understand war. Download This Image

    If you want peace, understand war.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - If you wish for peace, understand war. Download This Image

    If you wish for peace, understand war.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - While there are many causes for which a state goes to war, its fundamental object can be epitomized as that of ensuring the continuance of its policy – in face of the determination of the opposing state to pursue a contrary policy. In the human will lies the source and mainspring of conflict. Download This Image

    While there are many causes for which a state goes to war, its fundamental object can be epitomized as that of ensuring the continuance of its policy – in face of the determination of the opposing state to pursue a contrary policy. In the human will lies the source and mainspring of conflict.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The nearer the cutting off point lies to the main force of the enemy, the more immediate the effect; whereas the closer to the strategic base it takes place, the greater the effect. Download This Image

    The nearer the cutting off point lies to the main force of the enemy, the more immediate the effect; whereas the closer to the strategic base it takes place, the greater the effect.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - This high proportion of history’s decisive campaigns, the significance of which is enhanced by the comparative rarity of the direct approach, enforces the conclusion that the indirect is by far the most hopeful and economic form of strategy. Download This Image

    This high proportion of history’s decisive campaigns, the significance of which is enhanced by the comparative rarity of the direct approach, enforces the conclusion that the indirect is by far the most hopeful and economic form of strategy.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - I used to think that the causes of war were predominantly economic. I came to think that they were more psychological. I am now coming to think that they are decisively “personal,” arising from the defects and ambitions of those who have the power to influence the currents of nations. Download This Image

    I used to think that the causes of war were predominantly economic. I came to think that they were more psychological. I am now coming to think that they are decisively “personal,” arising from the defects and ambitions of those who have the power to influence the currents of nations.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - No man can exactly calculate the capacity of human genius and stupidity, nor the incapacity of will. Download This Image

    No man can exactly calculate the capacity of human genius and stupidity, nor the incapacity of will.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics. Download This Image

    The easiest and quickest path into the esteem of traditional military authorities is by the appeal to the eye, rather than to the mind. ‘The polish and pipeclay’ school is not yet extinct, and it is easier for the mediocre intelligence to become an authority on buttons, than on tactics.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - If you find your opponent in a strong position costly to force, you should leave him a line of retreat as the quickest way of loosening his resistance. It should, equally, be a principle of policy, especially in war, to provide your opponent with a ladder by which he can climb down. Download This Image

    If you find your opponent in a strong position costly to force, you should leave him a line of retreat as the quickest way of loosening his resistance. It should, equally, be a principle of policy, especially in war, to provide your opponent with a ladder by which he can climb down.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - It is thus more potent, as well as more economical, to disarm the enemy than to attempt his destruction by hard fighting … A strategist should think in terms of paralysing, not of killing. Download This Image

    It is thus more potent, as well as more economical, to disarm the enemy than to attempt his destruction by hard fighting … A strategist should think in terms of paralysing, not of killing.