Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery. People are working every minute. The machinery is always going. Even when you sleep.
ANDY WARHOLBeing born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery. People are working every minute. The machinery is always going. Even when you sleep.
ANDY WARHOLI never fall apart, because I never fall together.
ANDY WARHOLBeing good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.
ANDY WARHOLThere is beauty in everything, Just not everybody sees it
ANDY WARHOLFantasy love is much better than Reality Love.
ANDY WARHOLI always think I don’t do the first one good, so I try to do it more.
ANDY WARHOLI think anybody can take a good picture. My idea of a good picture is one that’s in focus and of a famous person doing something unfamous. It’s being in the right place at the wrong time.
ANDY WARHOLIf you’re not trying to be real, you don’t have to get it right. That’s art.
ANDY WARHOLI broke something and realized I should break something once a week to remind me how fragile life is.
ANDY WARHOLSuccess is when the checks don’t bounce.
ANDY WARHOLI don’t want to be smart, because being smart makes you depressed.
ANDY WARHOLThey always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
ANDY WARHOLThe most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.
ANDY WARHOLThe interviewer should just tell me the words he wants me to say and I’ll repeat them after him. I think that would be so great because I’m so empty I just can’t think of anything to say.
ANDY WARHOLI think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.
ANDY WARHOLIf there’s ever a problem, I film it and it’s no longer a problem. It’s a film.