All taxes are a drag on economic growth. It’s only a question of degree.
ALAN GREENSPANAll taxes are a drag on economic growth. It’s only a question of degree.
ALAN GREENSPANAnd whatever their publicized angst over Saddam Hussein’s ‘weapons of mass destruction.
ALAN GREENSPANI am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.
ALAN GREENSPANIn general, corruption tends to exist whenever governments have favors to extend, or something to sell.
ALAN GREENSPANDeveloping protectionism regarding trade and our reluctance to place fiscal policy on a more sustainable path are threatening what may well be our most valued policy asset.
ALAN GREENSPANThe recent evidence increasingly suggests that an economic expansion is already well under way, although an array of influences unique to this business cycle seems likely to moderate its speed.
ALAN GREENSPANIf I seem unduly clear to you, you must have misunderstood what I said.
ALAN GREENSPANGiven our inevitably incomplete knowledge about key structural aspects of our ever-changing economy and the sometimes asymmetric costs or benefits of particular outcomes, a central bank.
ALAN GREENSPANThe use of a growing array of derivatives and the related application of more-sophisticated approaches to measuring and managing risk are key factors underpinning the greater resilience of our largest financial institutions…
ALAN GREENSPANThey seem to sense… that gold and economic freedom are inseparable.
ALAN GREENSPANIn the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation.
ALAN GREENSPANFear and euphoria are dominant forces, and fear is many multiples the size of euphoria. Bubbles go up very slowly as euphoria builds.
ALAN GREENSPANThis is the reason that history has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of low risk premiums.
ALAN GREENSPANThey then need to reach a judgment about the probabilities, costs, and benefits of the various possible outcomes under alternative choices for policy.
ALAN GREENSPANProductivity is notoriously difficult to predict.
ALAN GREENSPANIf we allow terrorism to undermine our freedom of action, we could reverse at least part of the palpable gains achieved by postwar globalization. It is incumbent upon us not to allow that to happen.