I never used to take holidays and it would upset ex-wives and girlfriends, but working has me in a better mood than doing nothing.
AL MURRAYI never used to take holidays and it would upset ex-wives and girlfriends, but working has me in a better mood than doing nothing.
AL MURRAYIt helps that, if I don’t want to play, I don’t really have to! I’m not the best drummer in the world, but it’s something I love and enjoy, and that sounds like a good trade.
AL MURRAYIt’s a weight problem isn’t it; you can’t wait for lunch.
AL MURRAYIn the world of comedy, there’s this: “If it’s going badly, get off. If it’s going well, get off”. You can’t argue with that either.
AL MURRAYYou find yourself, your voice, your technique and then maybe luck calls.
AL MURRAYLouis Pasteur, the great scientist, said “chance favours the prepared mind”, which is a posh way of saying ‘do your homework’, but it’s an excellent piece of advice.
AL MURRAYAnd to be honest, it’s all about the sound, the noise, the rattle and hum. Who wouldn’t want to make a fantastic noise with drums and cymbals?!
AL MURRAYI see the holidays as a chance for kids to learn self-sufficiency.
AL MURRAYThe thing that interests me far more than anything is creating music, songwriting and arranging, and in that context drumming itself is a means to an end.
AL MURRAYSeriously, if you want to get inside the head of a stand-up comic, you could do a lot worse than reading Steve Martin’s Born Standing Up.
AL MURRAYI’m a natural born show off. I love performing, and at school we had a really good music scene and an even better drama scene.
AL MURRAYThe harder you work, the luckier you get” is true in all things.
AL MURRAYWhen I got to university, I played in bands and did sketch stuff and it was always about coming up with material, which is why I never really practised and have no chops!!
AL MURRAYPimpCo is a little business I’ve got, which basically offers drummers the affordable opportunity to make their drums that little bit more bespoke.
AL MURRAYI try to be musical. Drums can set a mood, create an impression, as much as anything else.
AL MURRAYI’m not an alcoholic, I am freedom fighter against the teetotal taliban.