Each of your breaths is a priceless jewel, since each of them is irreplaceable and once gone, can never be retrieved.
AL-GHAZALIRemember it is the heart and not the body, which strives to draw near to God. By heart I do not mean the flesh perceived by the senses, but that secret thing which is sometimes expressed by spirit, and sometimes by soul.
More Al-Ghazali Quotes
To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate.
The corruption of religions comes from turning them to mere words and appearances.
Does money upset the hearts of learned men? He answered, “men whose hearts are changed by money are not learned.”
The way to paradise is an uphill climb whereas hell is downhill. Hence, there is a struggle to get to paradise and not to hell.
The soul should take care of the body, just as the pilgrim on his way to Makkah takes care of his camel; but if the pilgrim spends his whole time in feeding and adorning his camel, the caravan will leave him behind, and he will perish in the desert.
Man’s nature is made up of four elements, which produce in him four attributes, namely, the beastly, the brutal, the satanic, and the divine. In man there is something of the pig, the dog, the devil, and the saint.
In God, there is no sorrow or suffering or affliction. If you want to be free of all affliction and suffering, hold fast to God, and turn wholly to Him, and to no one else. Indeed, all your suffering comes from this: that you do not turn toward God and no one else.
If you do not prepare now for the Afterlife, then when will you do so?
Knowledge exists potentially in the human soul like the seed in the soil; by learning the potential becomes actual.
Do not allow your heart to take pleasure with the praises of people, nor be saddened by their condemnation.
Do not fix hopes on your health, and do not laugh away life. Remember how they walked and now all their joints lie separately, and the tongue with which they talked lightly is eaten away by the worms.
Dear friend, Your heart is a polished mirror. You must wipe it dean of the veil of dust that has gathered upon it, because it is destined to reflect the light of divine secrets.
If the world had two gods, it would surely go to ruin-this is the first premise. Now it is known that it has not gone to ruin-this is the second premise. From these premises the conclusion must of necessity follow, that is, the denial of two gods.
The hypocrite looks for faults; the believer looks for excuses.
Whoever says that all music is prohibited, let him also claim that the songs of birds are prohibited.