The first principle from which stems the moral of about all people at all time; it is summarized in this precept: Love thy neighbour as thyself, and: do as you would be done by.
Up to here, in general, we have mainly stuffed the brain of the young people with a indigestible multitude of varios notions, without thinking about enough of the prime necessity to form their character.
If pity was always equally alive and acting in all individuals and in all circumstances, we could do away with moral. Unfortunately, it is not compassion, but rather it’s contrary, selfishness, that act most strongly in us.
When under the influence of certain (or some) reasons (or causes) (alcohol, war, etc – added Spir here) the low instincts are unbridled (or unrestrained).
In ancient times, any man rising up above the common people tried to shape his life according to his principles; it is no longer like than now; it is (because) for the ancients.
Apart from selfish reasons, such as fear of punishments, fear of blame, of dishonour, etc, there remains only two motives that can stop (or prevent, “empâecher”, Fr.) men from acting badly.
Besides the progress of industry and technique, we see a growing discontent among the masses; we see, besides the expansion (“expansion,”, Fr.) of instruction, distrust and hatred expanding among nations (“s’étendre la méfiance et la haine entre,” Fr.).
The intellectual development of man, far from having get men away from war, has, rather, on the contrary, bring them to a refinment always more perfected in the art of killing.
Infringing upon (or encroaching) the right of a single person, we overthrow (or turn upside down) the whole order on which rest legal agreements; for if we break (or transgress or violate).
See that unfortunate soldier who is falling hurt to death (“tombe blessé à…”, Fr.) on the battlefield; he learns that his folks have vanquished and dies happy.
It is in the company of men pursuing a same ideal that the still weavering (or unsteady) soul can set oneself (“se fixer”, Fr) and stick to (or attach to) everything that is noble and generous.
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