There is only consciousness. There is no individual apart from consciousness who is conscious.
ADYASHANTIAwareness isn’t something we own; awareness isn’t something we possess. Awareness is actually what we are.
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As I often tell my students, the person you’ll have the hardest time opening to and truly loving without reserve is yourself. Once you can do that, you can love the whole universe unconditionally.
What you run away from owns you. You are the dog on a leash. The most you can do is to tug against the leash.
What the universe will manifest when you are in alignment with it is a lot more interesting than what you try to manifest
If we do not live and manifest in our lives what we realize in our deepest moments of revelation, then we are living a split life.
No matter what identity we cling to, it takes great courage to step out of the old masks we wear and the old scripts that we live by, and open ourselves to the mysterious inner core of our being.
Space and stillness is the light that illuminates the beauty of our soul’s being.
Has it ever occurred to you that you are seeking God with His eyes?
Freedom is the disappearance of that which is searching for freedom.
The truth is that you already are what you are seeking. You are looking for God with his eyes. I suggest you ask, “What’s ultimately behind this set of eyes?” Turn around to see what is looking.
Feel your way into what I am saying rather than thinking about it. Only a self-concept looks and longs for God. Drop your self-concept and there is only God meeting God. Enlightenment is the restoration of cosmic humor.
There’s something more to life than what we see on the surface.
Actually, all paths lead away from the truth…how’s that? All paths. There’s no such thing as a path to the truth. The truth’s already here, where are you going?
Love moves without an agenda. It just moves because that is its nature to move.
Only when the pursuit ceases, is it possible to recognize what comprises you: pure being, pure consciousness. This is actually the very substance of your own self and being.
Silence is itself the eternal witness without form or attributes. As you rest more profoundly as the witness, all objects take on their natural functionality, and awareness becomes free of the mind’s compulsive contractions and identifications. It returns to its natural non-state of Presence.