There is only God. REALITY is God and has never required your belief.
ADI DARelated Topics
Anand Thakur
There is only God. REALITY is God and has never required your belief.
ADI DARemembering the Mystery is a way of being everything you always already are.
ADI DATo have a spirit implies that you are spirit and that you are also something else.
ADI DANever yet been ready or willing to adapt to the true (and progressive) practical, moral, devotional, Spiritual, and Transcendental Wisdom-culture of right life.
ADI DAYou always know, at this very moment, exactly what it would be to look, and feel, and be, and act completely Happy.
ADI DAWhen you’re learning, you’re burning – putting out a lot of heat.
ADI DAWho will look out for you if you do the right thing.
ADI DAMost perfect self-understanding is the capability to directly (immediately) transcend dilemma, all problems, all seeking.
ADI DABetrayed or apparently not Loved.
ADI DAThrough the instant of all conditions of appearance and disappearance. Of this I am perfectly certain. I am That.
ADI DAIn their great numbers, most people have, up to now,
ADI DAHowever, up to the present stage in human history,
ADI DAWhen happiness gets into your system, it is bound to break out on your face.
ADI DAPatience often gets the credit that belongs to fatigue.
ADI DAA bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.
ADI DADeath is utterly acceptable to consciousness and life.