It’s a pointless delay that wrecks my pace – and mood.
ADAM SAVAGERelated Topics
Anand Thakur
It’s a pointless delay that wrecks my pace – and mood.
ADAM SAVAGEYou know, it’s the best job I’ve ever had, on its worst day it’s better than anything else, but it’s a huge amount of responsibility
ADAM SAVAGEMy dignity and good television – they’ll never meet.
ADAM SAVAGEit was actually mummified, skin and all – but in a fit of space-saving zeal, they actually cut off the head and they cut off the feet and they burned the rest in a bonfire.
ADAM SAVAGEAnd we both appreciate that the quickest and the dirtiest solution is usually the most elegant, the least expensive, and the fastest.
ADAM SAVAGETechnology is usually there to let some process go on hidden in the background. For us on ‘MythBusters,’
ADAM SAVAGEFailure is always an option.
ADAM SAVAGEThat’s our job – to strap rockets onto everything.
ADAM SAVAGEThe explosions, like the urban legends, are a great way of bringing people in to watch, because it’s really fun, and you know we’re always going to give you a satisfying ending.
ADAM SAVAGEThere are women who are wishing that they were that piece of tape right now.
ADAM SAVAGEThat’s our people. That’s the way we like to think.
ADAM SAVAGEWell, that was kind of fun, wasn’t it? I mean, I don’t see where this could go, because we pretty much did everything. But it was fun.”
ADAM SAVAGEAny time I have an Internet connection, there’s a sluice of stuff moving into there, everything from beautiful rings to cockpit photos.
ADAM SAVAGEGravity. It’s not just a good idea; it’s the law!
ADAM SAVAGEI just had one of those ‘what the hell are we doing’ moments.
ADAM SAVAGEYou will hurt people you love, and help people you detest.