I have a master’s from Yale drama, and I auditioned for this.
ADAM RICHMANRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
I have a master’s from Yale drama, and I auditioned for this.
ADAM RICHMANMan V. Food is the highest-rated show in the Travel Channel’s history, so clearly there’s going to be a correlation.
ADAM RICHMANActually, I am loathe to admit, but I also remember freshman year of Emory – and I’m so sorry to have to admit this – but there was a Domino’s Pizza in Emory Village, where I went to college, and I was ordering a pizza.
ADAM RICHMANSo obviously I want to be in the limelight in some capacity, or I want to be in entertainment in some capacity.
ADAM RICHMANThey flew me over, and it was this immersive experience.
ADAM RICHMANThere are so many chefs out there, and so if you were to say, “The dude who used to host Man V. Food is doing pairing for Jim Beam,” you’d say,
ADAM RICHMANThe play is called Stalking The Bogeyman. It was a story on This American Life, and my former roommate is the artistic director of the New York Repertory Theater.
ADAM RICHMANI’ll go to a restaurant where I’ve never been before, and someone will say, “I don’t have anything big for you to eat.” I used to be a little salty about that, but at the end of the day
ADAM RICHMANHe heard the NPR show, contacted them, and essentially – shortest synopsis ever, like I’m the Cablevision guide button
ADAM RICHMANThe first one that I went to with my friends was with my buddy Michael – and we actually cut class to get tickets – was INXS at the Garden.
ADAM RICHMANI said “I’ve had pho,” and then he goes, “Oh, what do you get, the number one big bowl?” I was like, “Come on, man
ADAM RICHMANI thought maybe I would be everyone’s favorite dude-food friend.
ADAM RICHMANGratitude is the attitude. That’s the thing.
ADAM RICHMANI was 12 or 13, and I had seen a demo about origami at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
ADAM RICHMANI love that team, I wear their symbol around my neck on a chain – I’ve always had a soft spot for this little club.
ADAM RICHMANI sponsored every team in the Park Slope Little League for years.