Valentines Day itself, like most holidays in the modern era, has been heavily influenced by commercialism that focuses on the appeal of romantic fantasies.
ABERJHANICreative visualization may be described as an extended meditation session that reaches beyond passive contemplation and achieves transformative action.
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What more civilized way for people to alleviate the same than by giving themselves to one another as brothers and sisters in deed as well as in word?
That good gardener, who wept thorns plowing his fields – harvests grace with joy.
Operating to implement a balance and give us an opportunity to turn the horrors we’ve forced upon each other into something more conducive to sustaining at least minimal degrees of sanity and love.
Within the universe of the extraordinary, those qualities we designate to human concepts of gender are often shared, exchanged, or even completely obliterated.
This is what our love is––a sacred pattern of unbroken unity sewn flawlessly invisible inside all other images, thoughts, smells, and sounds.
Writing for me is a form of spiritual discipline and creative vision, a means of being in the world and giving one’s love to it without compromise or dilution.
Passion presented with a greater challenge achieves a greater goal.
The uses to which it may be applied are limited only by an individual’s imagination.
They both, when we study that grand tapestry known as history and modern-day society, tend to stand out in much bolder relief than other figures from Dancing with Madness, Dancing with Genius
With its leaves so rich and heavy with elation and its crimson face made brighter with visions of divinity the shadow of a certain rose looks just like an angel eating light.
Because Mr. Mandelas early opponents invested so many resources into distorting the true nature of his advocacy
Where humanity sowed faith, hope, and unity, joy’s garden blossomed.
Learning to cultivate an awareness of the known and unknown within one’s being often leads to a healthier and more realistic sense of self.
The whole purpose of the construction of The Bridge of Silver Wings was to provide a path leading to The River of Winged Dreams, or to serve as a resting place until the river’s deeper and truer nature revealed itself.
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