There is no beast, no rush of fire, like woman so untamed. She calmly goes her way where even panthers would be shamed.
ARISTOPHANESAh! the Generals! they are numerous, but not good for much!
More Aristophanes Quotes
It often happens that less depends upon the valor of an army than the skill of the leader.
A man may learn wisdom even from a foe.
Full of wiles, full of guile, at all times, in all ways, are the children of Men.
An ancient tradition declares that every idiot blunder we pass into law will sooner or later redound to Athens’ profit.
Ah! the Generals! they are numerous, but not good for much!
The truth is forced upon us, very quickly, by a foe.
You possess all the attributes of a demagogue; a screeching, horrible voice, a perverse, crossgrained nature and the language of the market-place. In you all is united which is needful for governing.
It is the compelling power of great thoughts and ideas to engender phrases of equal size.
The gods, my dear simple fellow, are a mere expression coined by vulgar superstition. We frown upon such coinage here.
It is right that the good should be happy, that the wicked and the impious on the other hand, should be miserable; that is a truth, I believe, which no one will gainsay.
Old age is second childhood.
I saw a cavalry captain buy vegetable soup on horseback. He carried the whole mess home in his helmet.
When men drink wine they are rich, they are busy, they push lawsuits, they are happy, they are friends.
No man is really honest; none of us is above the influence of gain.
Let each man exercise the art he knows.