Do not dispute with anyone in any matter as far as possible. For in argumentation lies much harm and its evil is greater than its benefit.
AL-GHAZALIThe corruption of religions comes from turning them to mere words and appearances.
More Al-Ghazali Quotes
He who buries his head deep into a nosebag full of food cannot hope to see the invisible world.
Dear friend, Your heart is a polished mirror. You must wipe it dean of the veil of dust that has gathered upon it, because it is destined to reflect the light of divine secrets.
Love for God is the farthest reach of all stations, the sun of the highest degrees, and there is no station after that of love, except its fruit and its consequences.
The happiness of the drop is to die in the river.
If you see Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, know that you hold a great status with Him. Know that He is dealing with you as He does with His Awliya’ and chosen elite, and is watching over you.
The corruption of religions comes from turning them to mere words and appearances.
People count with self-satisfaction the number of times they have recited the name of God on their prayer beads, but they keep no beads for reckoning the number of idle words they speak.
Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness.
If your busy with yourself now, you will be busy with yourself then. If you are busy with Allah now, you will be with Him then.
Do not fix hopes on your health, and do not laugh away life. Remember how they walked and now all their joints lie separately, and the tongue with which they talked lightly is eaten away by the worms.
Half of disbelief in Allah in the world is caused by people who make religion look ugly due to their bad conduct and ignorance.
A man of bad character punishes his own soul.
Work for your terrestrial life in proportion to your location in it, and work for your afterlife in proportion to your eternity in it.
Offen love between two people intensifies not because of beauty or some advantage, but because of sheer spiritual affinity.
If the world had two gods, it would surely go to ruin-this is the first premise. Now it is known that it has not gone to ruin-this is the second premise. From these premises the conclusion must of necessity follow, that is, the denial of two gods.