If there be light, then there is darkness; if cold, heat; if height, depth; if solid, fluid; if hard, soft; if rough, smooth; if calm, tempest; if prosperity, adversity; if life, death.
PYTHAGORASFriends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life.
More Pythagoras Quotes
Virtue is harmony.
Evolution is the Law of Life. Number is the Law of the Universe. Unity is the Law of God.
Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason.
Souls never die, but always on quitting one abode pass to another. All things change, nothing perishes.
We ought so to behave to one another as to avoid making enemies of our friends, and at the same time to make friends of our enemies.
Concern should drive us into action and not into a depression. No man is free who cannot control himself.
The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment.
As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
Do not go to bed until you have gone over the day three times in your mind. What wrong did I do? What good did I accomplish? What did I forget to do?
Let no one persuade you by word or deed to do or say whatever is not best for you.
There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.
It is difficult to walk at one and the same time many paths of life.
No one is free who has not obtained the empire of himself.
It is better to be silent, than to dispute with the Ignorant.
In anger we should refrain both from speech and action.