An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing.
LAOZIWhat resists, persists.
More Laozi Quotes
The weak overcomes the strong. The soft overcomes the hard. Everybody in the world knows this, still nobody makes use of it.
When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realized in other people’s hearts.
The Great Tao flows everywhere, to the left and to the right, all things depend on it to exist, and it does not abandon them. To its accomplishments it lays no claims. It loves and nourished all things, but does not lord it over them.
Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.
When the Way is lost there is virtue. When virtue is lost there is benevolence. When benevolence is lost there is righteousness. When righteousness is lost there are rituals.
What people loathe the most is to be orphaned, desolate, unworthy. But this is what princes and kings call themselves.
If you have really attained wholeness, everything will flock to you.
The great image lacks shape.
Mastering others is strength. Mastering oneself makes you fearless.
To be constantly without desire is the way to have a vision of the mystery of heaven and earth. For constantly to have desire is the means by which their limitations are seen.
There was something that finished chaos, born before Heaven and Earth.
Those who act will fail. Those who seize will lose.
When virtue is lost, benevolence appears, when benevolence is lost right conduct appears, when right conduct is lost, expedience appears. Expediency is the mere shadow of right and truth; it is the beginning of disorder.
Take [preventive] action before things happen. Establish order before disorder has begun.
Man’s enemies are not demons, but human beings like himself.