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  • Brent Spiner Quote - That was a really interesting series [Threshold ] that I think would’ve been really great had it continued.
  • Brent Spiner Quote - That was a really interesting series [Threshold ] that I think would’ve been really great had it continued.
  • Brent Spiner Quote - That was a really interesting series [Threshold ] that I think would’ve been really great had it continued.
  • Brent Spiner Quote - That was a really interesting series [Threshold ] that I think would’ve been really great had it continued.
  • Brent Spiner Quote - That was a really interesting series [Threshold ] that I think would’ve been really great had it continued.
  • Brent Spiner Quote - That was a really interesting series [Threshold ] that I think would’ve been really great had it continued.
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That was a really interesting series [Threshold ] that I think would’ve been really great had it continued.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I can tell you one other story about Rent Control. The lead actress in the film, her name was Elizabeth Stack, and it turned out she was Robert Stack’s daughter. Download This Image

    I can tell you one other story about Rent Control. The lead actress in the film, her name was Elizabeth Stack, and it turned out she was Robert Stack’s daughter.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I assumed, “Well, I must’ve sounded like Conan O’Brien, or a reasonable facsimile or something.” And there I am in the movie [South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut ]. I was very lucky. Download This Image

    I assumed, “Well, I must’ve sounded like Conan O’Brien, or a reasonable facsimile or something.” And there I am in the movie [South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut ]. I was very lucky.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I think I worked an average of about 10 minutes a day [in Big Bang Theory series]. It took longer to get to the studio than I actually worked. So I regard the driving there as the actual job. The work itself was just fun.

    I think I worked an average of about 10 minutes a day [in Big Bang Theory series]. It took longer to get to the studio than I actually worked. So I regard the driving there as the actual job. The work itself was just fun.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I did a great show Off-Broadway called Leave It To Beaver Is Dead that was at the Public Theater in New York. It was written by Des McAnuff, who’s an illustrious director now, and it starred…

    I did a great show Off-Broadway called Leave It To Beaver Is Dead that was at the Public Theater in New York. It was written by Des McAnuff, who’s an illustrious director now, and it starred…

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - And the basic sort of thrust of Star Trek being about equality and tolerance and things I believe in deeply.

    And the basic sort of thrust of Star Trek being about equality and tolerance and things I believe in deeply.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I think the potential for man is so enormous, if we can stay alive long enough, we’re going to be seeing a lot of what Star Trek is projecting.

    I think the potential for man is so enormous, if we can stay alive long enough, we’re going to be seeing a lot of what Star Trek is projecting.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - Generally, I have to be able to get the lines out of my mouth without making a mistake before I go to sleep.

    Generally, I have to be able to get the lines out of my mouth without making a mistake before I go to sleep.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - We got to be really good friends [Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau]. It was just thrilling, every day. Every single day. I had a big couple of musical numbers in [Out to Sea], and I remember doing one of them and shooting it from beginning to end.

    We got to be really good friends [Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau]. It was just thrilling, every day. Every single day. I had a big couple of musical numbers in [Out to Sea], and I remember doing one of them and shooting it from beginning to end.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - Bill Prady and Chuck Lorre, the guys who run that show [Big Bang Theory], are really funny and really smart, and the cast is fantastic to work with.

    Bill Prady and Chuck Lorre, the guys who run that show [Big Bang Theory], are really funny and really smart, and the cast is fantastic to work with.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - Needless to say, I was impressed by Felicia [Day] and her moxie with how to do a web series. I mean, she’s the queen of the web. Download This Image

    Needless to say, I was impressed by Felicia [Day] and her moxie with how to do a web series. I mean, she’s the queen of the web.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I’ve toyed with this idea [of Fresh Hell] for a long time. I actually wrote a feature years ago with this sort of concept in mind, and it’s gone through several incarnations, and…

    I’ve toyed with this idea [of Fresh Hell] for a long time. I actually wrote a feature years ago with this sort of concept in mind, and it’s gone through several incarnations, and…

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I know a guy who writes on the show, it was his episode, and he called and said, “Would you do it?” And I said, “Yeah.” There’s not really much else to tell, except that I was thrilled to be on The Simpsons, because it’s one of the greatest series in the history of television.

    I know a guy who writes on the show, it was his episode, and he called and said, “Would you do it?” And I said, “Yeah.” There’s not really much else to tell, except that I was thrilled to be on The Simpsons, because it’s one of the greatest series in the history of television.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I don’t know what her budget was or is, but she had sponsors for her show, and we don’t have a sponsor yet, so basically, the difference is, our moms make our costumes.

    I don’t know what her budget was or is, but she had sponsors for her show, and we don’t have a sponsor yet, so basically, the difference is, our moms make our costumes.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - I got Greg Aronowitz, who does [ Felicia Day] sets, to do mine as well, and he’s just amazing. He can work miracles with nothing. Download This Image

    I got Greg Aronowitz, who does [ Felicia Day] sets, to do mine as well, and he’s just amazing. He can work miracles with nothing.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - It was a fabulous experience shooting [in the Aviator], working with Leo [DiCaprio] and Danny Huston in the scene. It was great. I think what was most eye-opening about it was that [Martin] Scorsese was just like any good director you work with. Download This Image

    It was a fabulous experience shooting [in the Aviator], working with Leo [DiCaprio] and Danny Huston in the scene. It was great. I think what was most eye-opening about it was that [Martin] Scorsese was just like any good director you work with.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brent Spiner Quote - We would literally grab a shot and run. But Rent Control… I think the total cost was $100,000, and to this director’s credit, I think it looks like $200,000.

    We would literally grab a shot and run. But Rent Control… I think the total cost was $100,000, and to this director’s credit, I think it looks like $200,000.