My body feels like it is asking to reproduce.
SHAKIRAPeople get jaded in every profession, but for some reason,
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Gerard and I pretty much share all parenting responsibilities, although I’m definitely the disciplinarian.
All through my twenties, I spent more time worrying what I didn’t have than thinking about what I did have. I wished that I was taller, had longer legs, slimmer hips, a smaller bottom, even straighter hair.
A good fragrance should have a certain personality that makes people identify the scent with you.
When you feel complete, you don’t need to get married, and you don’t think about it.
My team and I have reunited two elements that coexist with difficulty: respect and affection, because when they love you they don’t respect you and when they respect you they don’t love you.
I think love is something that you have to work on, and it develops over experience and time. Love is a practice.
My therapist taught me why I behave in certain ways and not to feel so pressured.
My man, Gerard, prefers meat over bone. That takes the pressure off. I already have a lot to worry about.
We need to provide higher quality and innovative early childhood development programs all throughout Latin America.
People are not depressed in Colombia the same way people are in America.
I was unaware of the dispute in Brooklyn. I would never knowingly wear any clothes or support any company who produced clothing with alleged wage and labor violations.
Education is the only way forward in Latin America and developing countries in general.
I now talk to different cultures, and I hope that I can bridge those gaps and differences between us. It’s an adventure, a dream…
I love food, and I’m a chronic over-orderer at restaurants.
What I do is I remove my makeup every night, use a little bit of Vitamin C serum, and that’s it, pretty much. Of course, I use my 3D White products!