If you love a person you will not interfere with his personal life. You would not dare to break the boundaries of his inner world.
OSHOLove is the goal, life is the journey.
More Osho Quotes
Falling in love, you remain a child; rising in love, you mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love – now you are love.
The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.
What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos.
When love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.
Sex has become more and more attractive because of its condemnation by priests.
The tongue never slips – remember this always. What goes on within the mind comes invariably on the tongue.
Life is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived, loved, experienced.
There is a deep desire in everyone to commit suicide for the simple reason, that life seems to be meaningless.
If you really want peace on earth, create peace in your heart, in your being. That is the right place to begin with and then spread.
You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you.
Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.
Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you.
Nobody has the power to take two steps together; you can take only one step at a time.
A mature person has the integrity to stand alone.
Sadness is silent, it is yours. It is coming because you are alone. It is giving you a chance to go deeper into your aloneness.