Awareness naturally returns to its non-state of absolute unmanifest potential, the silent abyss beyond all knowing.
ADYASHANTIEnlightenment is a destructive process.
More Adyashanti Quotes
In the heart of a human being, emptiness becomes love. When we touch that Source, instantly the love is present. Literally, the divine becomes human and the human becomes divine.
Eventually, in the state of liberation, meditation will simply become your natural condition.
Relaxing into not knowing is almost like surrendering into a big, comfortable chair; you just fall into a field of possibility.
Only when the pursuit ceases, is it possible to recognize what comprises you: pure being.
Go ahead, climb up onto the velvet top of the highest stakes table. Place yourself as the bet. Look God in the eyes and finally, for once in your life, lose.
Whenever you aren’t manipulating your experience, you’re meditating. As soon as you meditate because you think you should, you’re controlling your experience again, and you’ve squeezed all the value out of your meditation.
The question of being is everything. Nothing could be more important or consequential-n othing where the stakes run so high.
The most challenging thing for the spiritual seeker to do is to stop struggling.
Sincere and committed now, with absolute honesty and willingness to uncover and let go of any illusions that come between you and the realization of Reality.
Instead of striving towards some distant goal that you will never reach, I invite you to stop and ask: How am I avoiding the enlightenment that is already present in each moment? How am I seeing separation where it doesn’t exist?
When you realize what you are now, the issue of death will solve itself.
Only something as insane as human beings would ever asked themselves if ‘I’m good.’ You don’t find oak trees having existential crisis. ‘I feel so rotten about myself. I don’t produce as much acorns as the one next to me.’
No one can give you the strength of character necessary… Only you can find that passion within that burns with an integrity that will not settle for anything less than the Truth.
Enlightenment is the unaltered state of consciousness
If you filter my words through any tradition or ‘-ism’, you will miss altogether what I am saying. The liberating truth is not static; it is alive. It cannot be put into concepts and be understood by the mind.