Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny – he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed.
OSHOI love, because my love is not dependent on the object of love. My love is dependent on my state of being.
More Osho Quotes
Without freedom you can never be happy.
There is a deep desire in everyone to commit suicide for the simple reason, that life seems to be meaningless.
Whatever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility.
Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I.
There exists no God. What exists is godliness, and that godliness surrounds you. We are all in the same ocean.
One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: Life is really a great cosmic laughter.
Life is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived, loved, experienced.
Love the person, but give the person total freedom. Love the person, but from the very beginning make it clear that you are not selling your freedom.
Life begins where fear ends.
Freedom is a higher value than love.
They say: Think twice before you jump. I say: Jump first and then think as much as you want!
The tongue never slips – remember this always. What goes on within the mind comes invariably on the tongue.
Friendship is the purest love. It is the highest form of Love where nothing is asked for, no condition, where one simply enjoys giving.
Sadness is silent, it is yours. It is coming because you are alone. It is giving you a chance to go deeper into your aloneness.
Destructiveness cannot bring happiness; destruction is against the law of creation. The law of creation is to be creative.