Through the instant of all conditions of appearance and disappearance. Of this I am perfectly certain. I am That.
ADI DARelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Through the instant of all conditions of appearance and disappearance. Of this I am perfectly certain. I am That.
ADI DAMen have only two emotions: hungry and horny.
ADI DAWithout true celebration discipline is obnoxious.
ADI DAWho will look out for you if you do the right thing.
ADI DATrue freedom is not a matter of striking a deal with an All-Powerful Parental Deity; no such God exists.
ADI DARelax. Nothing is under control.
ADI DALove does not fail for you when you are rejected
ADI DAOnly everybody-all-a t-once can change the current chaos.
ADI DASets you free from all bondage and all seeking.
ADI DAMost perfect self-understanding is the capability to directly (immediately) transcend dilemma, all problems, all seeking.
ADI DAThe nature of the world is inherently obvious
ADI DATruth to being with.
ADI DAYou are all spirits. It is not that you “have” a spirit.
ADI DALove fails for you when you reject, betray and do not love. Therefore .. Love.
ADI DAYou always know, at this very moment, exactly what it would be to look, and feel, and be, and act completely Happy.
ADI DARemembering the Mystery is a way of being everything you always already are.