He is trying to find me, overcoming a great obstacle – pushing away, as it were, a huge block of stone weighing a ton. Such a man is a real hero.
RAMAKRISHNAIt is easy to bend the young heart towards God, but the untrained heart of the old escapes the hold whenever it is so drawn.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
If you desire to be pure, have firm faith, and slowly go on with your devotional practices without wasting your energy in useless scriptural discussions and arguments. Your little brain will otherwise be muddled.
Man suffers through lack of faith in God.
In mutual love the lover not only wants the happiness of his beloved; but has an eye towards his own happiness also.
This side is mine and that side is yours.’ He laughs and says to Himself, ‘The whole universe belongs to Me, but they say they own this portion or that portion.’it!’
Meditate upon the Knowledge and Bliss Eternal , and you will also have bliss.
All religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. Many rivers flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. They all are one.
One cannot be spiritual as long as one has shame, hatred, or fear.
All troubles come to an end when the ego dies
Men are like pillow-cases. The colour of one may be red, that of another blue, and that of the third black; but all contain the same cotton within.
Bondage and Liberation are of the mind alone.
In the same way the pleasures of this world are very attractive in the beginning, but their consequences are terrible to contemplate and hard to endure.
Many people think they cannot have knowledge or understanding of God without reading books. But hearing is better than reading, and seeing is better than hearing.
Then hold fast to whichever faith appeals to you.
Do not be small minded. Do not pray for gourds and pumpkins from God, when you should be asking for pure love and pure knowledge to dawn within every heart.
You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole.