The words ‘I Love You’ kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second.
ABERJHANIUnless you are here: this garden refuses to exist. Pink dragonflies fall from the air and become scorpions scratching blood out of rocks.
More Aberjhani Quotes
And make no mistake about it: love does take over and transform the schemes and operations of our egos in a very mighty way.
Tools such as compassion, trust, empathy, love, and ethical discernment are already in our possession. The next sensible step would be to use them.
The political, social, and spiritual impact of the life example set by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
The fact that an African American sits in the White House at the helm of government in the United States of America on this 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s
The intricate machinery of its blood and prayers and muscles for a gestation period much longer than nine months or even nine years.
While it is unlikely that poetry or art shall eliminate the reality of war in the twenty-first century, it is thrilling to know there remain individuals, and even entire communities,
Most people are slow to champion love because they fear the transformation it brings into their lives.
A poet is a verb that blossoms light in gardens of dawn, or sometimes midnight.
It also contains a humbling light of recognition that compels many to do whatever they can to help reinforce the efforts of those who might be ‘at risk’ of not just giving up on their dreams, but of giving up on their continued existence.
Quote words that affirm all men and women are your brothers and sisters.
The rainbows that dangle upon this mist: shatter. Like the smile of a child separated from his mother’s milk for the very first time.from poem Blood and Blossoms
All the world loves a ghost. The evidence of that simple statement can be found by looking in nearly every direction.
How many fears came between us? Earthquakes, diseases, wars where hell rained smoldering pus from skies made of winged death.
The whole purpose of the construction of The Bridge of Silver Wings was to provide a path leading to The River of Winged Dreams, or to serve as a resting place until the river’s deeper and truer nature revealed itself.
If I say your voice is an amber waterfall in which I yearn to burn each day, if you eat my mouth like a mystical rose with powers of healing and damnation, If I confess that your body is the only civilization I long to experience… would it mean that we are close to knowing something about love?