We’re in spring and I have learned how to be gentle and sharp; strong bark on budding trees. Hold out your hands. I’ll leave a pink kiss and a pocket knife.
SCHUYLERI allow myself to be a weathervane; receive every feeling that greets the shore of me.
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I never lose pieces of me, I just gain new understanding.
If every feeling comes like a wave, I try to decide what kind of coastline I’ll become.
Some mornings, I like to live like a secret; wake as quietly as I can, slip out of bed without so much as a wrinkle.
I want to wade into the water on the sidewalk, crawl out of this feeling without giving it a name. Take a lighter to love’s sticky edges so its sadness isn’t caught in my throat.
Change is not a four letter curse word I once believed it to be.
In a dream, I’m holding you close and when I wake, I do. How lucky, to want and have.
I descend into an unopened sky, the ocean floor, the final embrace of a graveyard. Find your fill of me before my blue pales like a sour moon.
I don’t want to be a saint, I want a love I don’t fight alone to keep.
Hold me here, where I feel less like a stranger to my own laughter. Where it’s easier to believe things happen for a reason or maybe, at least, out of a thousand winding roads my life might take, I will still find one that fits me.
Take me back to the evergreen trees; to the sunlight through the leaves, the bending ferns and fronds. The pitter of the rain, the smooth rocks sleeping under moss. Take me back to the life I know before this body.
I know I could be an astronomer of this swooning.
People have been washed away by less. I’ll take every step gently. So often, you can’t tell the rush of a riptide until you’re already at sea.
I’m choosing to believe things are getting better again. The give and take of joy, remembering a few days of ache does not mean forever.
Your anger, your sorrow, your fear, are okay to feel through, no matter how big it feels now.
Yes, this life is mine, but more often I watch it take place and my hands feel too far away to touch it.