Just because someone smiles with you doesn’t mean that you are friends.
More Guyanese Proverbs
When there is trouble, enemies are sometimes forced to get together to solve problems.
If you waste your money it would be finished very quickly.
You must see for yourself before you talk.
It is no use crying over a mishap.
You should be always prepared for disappointment or trouble.
Things do not always turn out to be what you expect them to be.
Everybody has to learn and find out what is good for himself or herself.
Some things take a long time to be completed.
When you are small you are insignificant, but when you become big you are strong and important.
You have to take risks when you attempt new ventures.
It is not everything you must take at face value.
When you are made to feel ashamed, you wish you could disappear from the public’s eye.
You should not go against the decision or choice of a person you feel is qualified to make the right choice.
When a man is courting a woman, he is very concerned, kind and considerate, but when the novelty of the relationship is over, he finds faults and is unkind.
When a mother is around, she keeps the family together, but when she dies the members of the family tend to scatter.
Giving up your advantages places you in a losing position.
When you tell a friend a secret soon everyone knows because your friend will tell another friend.
Some people may seem friendly and understanding but to your surprise it is not really so.
Every little bit adds up.
Only time can make you what you will be.
Every life comes to an end sooner or later.
Every story has two sides.
See for yourself and form your own conclusions instead of relying on the reports of others.
Some people do all the hard work but others benefit in the end.
Sometimes when you are enjoying yourself, unknown to you, trouble is brewing in the background.
After you have eaten and drunken much you tend to become lazy.
When a great man falls, he is no longer feared and respected.