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  • Zooey Deschanel Quote - There’s a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing. Download This Image
  • Zooey Deschanel Quote - There’s a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.
  • Zooey Deschanel Quote - There’s a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.
  • Zooey Deschanel Quote - There’s a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.
  • Zooey Deschanel Quote - There’s a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.
  • Zooey Deschanel Quote - There’s a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.
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There’s a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They’ve got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - Girls get competitive, as though there’s only one spot in the world for everything _ but that’s not true. We need to stick together and see there’s more to life than pleasing men. It’s important not to cut yourself off from female friendships. I think sometimes girls get scared of other girls, but you need each other.

    Girls get competitive, as though there’s only one spot in the world for everything _ but that’s not true. We need to stick together and see there’s more to life than pleasing men. It’s important not to cut yourself off from female friendships. I think sometimes girls get scared of other girls, but you need each other.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I think making a movie or a record, the best things happen by accident – and those end up being the magic. Every time I’ve followed my gut it’s been better than when I’ve tried to do what I was supposed to do.

    I think making a movie or a record, the best things happen by accident – and those end up being the magic. Every time I’ve followed my gut it’s been better than when I’ve tried to do what I was supposed to do.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - We all know guys who’ve had their hearts broken in real life; we just don’t usually see it in the movies.

    We all know guys who’ve had their hearts broken in real life; we just don’t usually see it in the movies.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I listened to a lot of Joni Mitchell in high school. She was sort of an inspiration to me. I think she’s a great lyricist, and she makes interesting choices.

    I listened to a lot of Joni Mitchell in high school. She was sort of an inspiration to me. I think she’s a great lyricist, and she makes interesting choices.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I think good actors tend to be really funny. Download This Image

    I think good actors tend to be really funny.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - It’s really fun to say no sometimes. I just don’t want to discount how fun it is to say no and exercise your right to say no, and – as a girl – it’s important to know how to say no… and that no means no!

    It’s really fun to say no sometimes. I just don’t want to discount how fun it is to say no and exercise your right to say no, and – as a girl – it’s important to know how to say no… and that no means no!

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I’ve always been really picky about roles and make a point of reminding myself that it’s not about the money – because, obviously, there’s a lot of money to be made in this business if you’re willing to do anything.

    I’ve always been really picky about roles and make a point of reminding myself that it’s not about the money – because, obviously, there’s a lot of money to be made in this business if you’re willing to do anything.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - Well, my piano’s really beautiful. I actually have two pianos. I have a Yamaha upright from the ’60s that’s blond, wood, and black, and I also have one from the ’20s from Chicago – not a well-known brand or anything. Download This Image

    Well, my piano’s really beautiful. I actually have two pianos. I have a Yamaha upright from the ’60s that’s blond, wood, and black, and I also have one from the ’20s from Chicago – not a well-known brand or anything.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I think that it’s our responsibility to create a world in which girls can grow up and not have to limit their dreams or possibilities.

    I think that it’s our responsibility to create a world in which girls can grow up and not have to limit their dreams or possibilities.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I feel there are tone singers, and there are more vocal gymnastics singers. And I think that’s amazing when people can do that, but I think there’s room for the tone singers. And there aren’t a lot of them.

    I feel there are tone singers, and there are more vocal gymnastics singers. And I think that’s amazing when people can do that, but I think there’s room for the tone singers. And there aren’t a lot of them.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - For those of you who thought you’d be forgotten, The friends you’ve made will try their best, to make it so. Think of all the beauty that you left behind you. You can take it if you want it, and then let it go…

    For those of you who thought you’d be forgotten, The friends you’ve made will try their best, to make it so. Think of all the beauty that you left behind you. You can take it if you want it, and then let it go…

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I don’t like plain nails. I get sad.

    I don’t like plain nails. I get sad.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - Making movies, you’re like an independent contractor – you come in, you have a specific job, and a lot of what you do is completely manipulated, which is good and bad. Download This Image

    Making movies, you’re like an independent contractor – you come in, you have a specific job, and a lot of what you do is completely manipulated, which is good and bad.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - I finally figured out how to read origami directions.

    I finally figured out how to read origami directions.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - The first job I ever had was singing in a jazz club when I was like 15 with my friend, and we earned like 70 bucks. We were like, ‘Oh my God!’

    The first job I ever had was singing in a jazz club when I was like 15 with my friend, and we earned like 70 bucks. We were like, ‘Oh my God!’

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Zooey Deschanel Quote - One of the things I love about doing things that are creative is that I feel like it’s my right as an artist not to be affected by the reactions of those people that are going to hear my songs.

    One of the things I love about doing things that are creative is that I feel like it’s my right as an artist not to be affected by the reactions of those people that are going to hear my songs.