The living all find death unpleasant; men mourn over it. And yet, what is death, but the unbending of the bow and its return to its case?
ZHUANGZIIf the Way is made clear, it is not the Way.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
The World is Large – Its beauty indescrible.
The effect of life in society is to complicate and confuse our existence, making us forget who we really are by causing us to become obsessed with what we are not.
Listening stops with the ears, the mind stops with recognition, but spirit is empty and waits on all things.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind.
Forget the years, forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home!
Great knowledge is universal. Small knowledge is limited. Great words are inspiring; small words are chatter.
So if loss of what gives happiness causes you distress when it fades, you can now understand that such happiness is worthless. It is said, those who lose themselves in their desire for things also lose their innate nature by being vulgar.
Let everything be allowed to do what it naturally does, so that its nature will be satisfied.
Understanding that rests in what it does not understand is the finest.
But you now, you wear your soul on your sleeve, exhausting your energy, propping yourself up on a tree, mumbling, or bent over your desk, asleep. Heaven gives you a form and you wear it out by pointless argument.
The sound of water says what I think.
A path is made by walking on it.
Men of this world all rejoice in others being like themselves, and object to others not being like themselves.
Those who realise their folly are not true fools.
Great knowledge sees all in one. Small knowledge breaks down into the many.